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How We Protect You

Keeping financial information secure is one of our most important responsibilities. At Bank of the Orient, our Internet Banking System is equipped with industry-approved security technologies to ensure data protection and integrity. Feel safe knowing how we work with you to prevent fraud and identity theft.

Online Fraud Protection

Bank of the Orient has partnered with Trusteer, the leading provider of secure web access services that offers an additional layer of protection while banking online. Trusteer’s Rapport is a small, downloadable application that helps protect against financial malware attacks and fraudulent websites. Trusteer Rapport is used by leading banks worldwide to keep your online bank accounts safe. Bank of the Orient encourages you to review the information provided and download and install Trusteer Rapport today.

Download Trusteer Rapport for Personal Banking

Download Trusteer Rapport for Business Banking


Secure Access and Verifying User Authenticity

To begin a session with the Bank’s server the user must key in a Log-in ID, verify your image and phrase then enter your password. After several unsuccessful logins, the system locks the user out, requiring a phone call to the Bank at 1.800.881.2686 before re-entry into the system. Upon successful login, the system authenticates the user’s identity and establishes a secure session with that visitor.

Secure Data Transfer

Once the server session is established, the user and the server are in a secured environment. Because the server has been certified as a 256-bit secure server by DigiCert, data traveling between the user and the server is encrypted with Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. With TLS, data that travels between the bank and customer is encrypted and can only be decrypted with the public and private key pair. In short, the Bank’s server issues a public key to the end user’s browser and creates a temporary private key. These two keys are the only combination possible for that session. When the session is complete, the keys expire and the whole process starts over when a new end user makes a server session.

Router and Firewall

Requests must filter through a router and firewall before they are permitted to reach the server. A router, a piece of hardware, works in conjunction with the firewall, a piece of software, to block and direct traffic coming to the server. The configuration begins by disallowing ALL traffic and then opens holes only when necessary to process acceptable data requests, such as retrieving web pages or sending customer requests to the bank. Using the above technologies, your Internet banking transactions are secure.

Unauthorized attempts to upload or change information on this web site are strictly prohibited and are subject to prosecution under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and Title 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 and 1030.

Extra Security Prompt

To further prevent fraud, we have added security procedures when accepting doing business with our customers over the phone, via fax or online. We have established Identifier Questions which customers must answer according to information previously gathered. Once we are satisfied with the response, we may proceed with the query or the transaction.

Customer Service Center


M-F, 9:00am to 5:00pm (PT)
Report Lost or Stolen Cards Call (800) 417-8715

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